P.S./M.S. 183Q

PS/MS 183Q Family University
Our Administration Team
Important School Information

Families and staff are partners that support OUR children!
The Family University is an innovative way to support you as your child's 1st teacher at home. Click on the image below to learn more.

Ms. Christel Barnum,
Principal, I.A.
Check us out on Social Media!

T: 718-634-9459
F: 718-634-9458
Upcoming Important Dates
February 2025
Midwinter Recess
February 17-21
School is closed.
3K and Pre-K Application is open.
Apply by February 28, 2025.
Pivot to Remote Learning Day
Tech Support
631-533-3050 or email jrichard6@schools.nyc.gov
Mrs. Shallonda Daniels,
Assistant Principal

Mrs. Rukiya Chavies,
Assistant Principal

Digital Learning NYC Platforms
& Student Accounts

Mission Statement
At PS/MS 183 staff, students and families have a shared purpose to support each child's development as a thinking being and a global citizen.
Student Affirmation
I am a leader
First, I think
Then, I will tell show or write
183 is the place to be!
Instructional Focus